Your Step-by-Step Guide to Building an EES Center

Step 1 – Build a Financial Model and Roadmap
While it is well known that “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”, it is important to realize that opening a new center comes with many uncertainties and that a financial model can help you course correct on your journey. Please note that franchisors offer this type of tool to franchisees but EESystem does not. FREE FINANCIAL MODEL

Step 2: Select the right location
“Location, location, location.” Are the three most important decisions made in retail. Selecting the right location is so important because customers need to be aware of a business before they can patronize it. EES Centers are experimenting with retail, commercial, and residential spaces and the jury is still out on which works best.

Step 3 – Design the right floor plan
Ever wonder why franchises like Massage Envy, Restore Hyper Wellness and Orangetheory have nice lobbies and well-defined layouts? It is because they work to create a more positive customer experience. Designing the right floor plan combines both art and science.

Step 4 – Secure a good business and domain name
Your brand is the symbol of your business and foundation of your marketing efforts. It ultimately lives in the hearts and minds of your prospects and customers. If your brand looks unprofessional, your prospects will believe that you are unprofessional. That translates to fewer sales and referrals. NAMING A CENTER

Step 5 – Build a website
Today, a website is the hub of your sales and marketing efforts. It can tirelessly serve thousands of impressions a day to potential and existing customers alike. A good one engages customers, tells your story, builds trust, outlines your offerings, reveals testimonials, captures leads and appointments.

Step 6 – Implement a lead capture system
Engage prospective clients, start the conversation and build the relationship. It is common knowledge in marketing that it can take an average of seven touches before a prospect buys. Email and text are two popular ways of communicating with your community.

Step 7- Implement a scheduling/booking system
Done right, this system shows session availability and can enable booking, prepaid packages, promotions and memberships. It can and will increase sales and revenue. It interfaces with your merchant processing system to enable the flow of cash into your bank – the life force of your business. SCHEDULING SYSTEM

Step 8 – Generate lead flow
Now that you have a marketing foundation in place, start promoting your business to generate leads. This can take the form of reaching out to friends and family, posting on Facebook, attending networking events, meeting other healing practitioners, advertising, direct mail, search and social media ads. Google offers free map listings. Both Google and Facebook offer pay-per-click ad capabilities.. but these must be developed and optimized. GOOGLE ADS

Step 9 – Engage customers and create an experience
Disney theme parks are experts at choreographing consistently great experiences. And great experiences lead to word of mouth referrals and new customers. The key is in meeting and exceeding customer expectations on a regular basis. Our goal is to help you structure a business that consistently delivers a quality service exceeding expectations.

Step 10 – Receive and publish testimonials
Testimonials improve closing rates. They offer social proof of the value you are providing to clients. First testimonials are invaluable because you are probably still working out the bugs in your service. Having good ones can and will improve closing rates.

Step 11 – Cultivate Referrals
Make it easy for current clients to tell their friends and families about you. Encourage sharing events on social media. Offering BOGOs, gift card and referral promotions can help.

Step 12 – Encourage repeat attendance
Many centers are offering package plans to encourage multi-session purchases. Gyms and fitness centers have long recognized membership packages as a way to encourage repeat usage and stabilize revenue streams. In fact, the membership model is used by most fitness clubs.

Ongoing – Continuous Learning
Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, was once spotted measuring the aisles at competitor Price Club ( now Costco) . He was a multibillionaire at the time. Building a successful center business requires continuous learning. Every aspect of your business can be improved. We encourage learning from the best. EMYTH is an example.

A synergistic multiplier effect
While good lead generation is very important, it is important to realize that no amount of leads will make up for poor customer experiences. It is as if the seeds of your business land on rocky soil. Customers that have good experiences tell others. Customers that have bad experiences tell others. Integrated marketing leverages everything and has a synergistic effect.