Seven Hurdles to Building a Successful EES Center

Making Good First Impressions
You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Brands live in the hearts and minds of customers. And the best ones own a position in the brain and evoke an emotional connection.
As a business owner, creating and building a good brand is one of the most important things you will do. Starting with the right name and domain gives you a head start. Crafting an excellent customer experience is up to you. Tools include:
- Brand name
- Logo symbol and wordmark
- Domain name
- Business card
- Website
- Signage

Generating Leads
Lead flow is the lifeforce of your business. While “word of mouth” advertising is one of the best ways to build your business, you may need to prime the pump with other channels such as friends and family, advertising and referral systems. Tools include:
- Business card
- Brochures and flyers
- Personal Networking
- Social media
- Paid advertising- Google, Facebook

Capturing and Engaging Leads
Capturing and engaging clients is key! This might be having them call you, watch a video or join a mailing list. It is well known among marketers that customers seldom buy on the first impression. It may take dozens of contacts before they become a paying customer. Tools include:
- Website
- Join mailing list / newsletter
- Explainer Video
- Text /SMS
- White papers

Converting Leads to Sales
Converting a prospect to a paying customer is a major milestone but it is not everything. It is akin to a first date because it is the beginning of the relationship. The success of your business will depend upon you providing quality service and exceeding customer expectations. Tools include:
- Introductory offers
- Live reception
- Chat
- Scheduling and Booking system

Providing a Great Customer Experience
Providing an outstanding customer experience is the heart of your business. And the experience begins from the very first impression – before services are even rendered. This is your responsibility. Tools include:
- Location
- Signage
- Reception area / lobby
- Energy room
- Seating
- Relaxation videos
- Sound system

Getting Repeat & Recurring Sales
Most businesses rely on repeat and referral business to be sustainable and grow. Examples include rent, mortgage, utilities, wireless phone, streaming videos, prescriptions and gym memberships. Doctors, dentists, and chiropractors typically schedule next appointments as you are leaving. Few businesses survive that do not have repeat sales. Tools include:
- Prepaid hourly packages
- Membership plans

Cultivating Referrals
Cultivating referrals is an art and can propel your business to the next level. Some people naturally tell others about great experiences! There are ways to facilitate this with referral programs, gift cards and more. Tools include:
- Referral discounts
- Referral bonuses
- Gift cards
- Overnights – friends & family